P.J. Patterson Speeches
International Relations - Group of 15
1. 1998 May 13. Remarks by Hon. P.J. Patterson, Prime Minister of Jamaica at
closing session of the VIII Summit of Heads of State/Government. Re: the G-15
goal and commitment to fruitful collaboration in multilateral trade negotiations.
2. 1999 February 9. Address by Rt. Hon. P.J. Patterson, PC, QC, MP, Prime Minister
of Jamaica at the official opening of the G- 15 trade exhibition. Montego Bay
Freezone. Re: G-15 Trade Exhibition.
3. 1999 February 10. Address by Rt. Hon. P.J. Patterson, PC, QC;;:}JP,;Prime Minister
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of Jamaica at the IX summit of the G-15. l\:'lontego Bay, Jamaica. Re:
Globalization, Global Inequities, Financial and economic crisis, Global financial
architecture, Debt, International Trade, the WTO,.North-South Dialogue, South- .fJf ,. "¼ ,ls. "'O
South Cooperation, Private Sector involvem~nt., . l:l:JJ..Oi · Jamaica Consensus.
'"'¼hik"'·;i~,: /J;h
4. 1999 February 12. Closing address by Chairman ~f:thezG-15, the Rt. Hon P.J.
Patterson, QC, MP, Prime Minister of Jamaica. Re: Closing of the G-15 IX
Summit, Montego Bay.
5. 2001 May 30-31. Address by th,~JRK,I-Io9::Prime Minister at the XI Summit of the
G-15. Jakarta, Indonesia. Re: s1raping:'th~ course of globalization.
6. 2000 June 9. Opening statement by'Rt. Hon. P.J. Patterson. PC, QC, MP, Prime
Minister of Jamaica on behalf of Latin America and the Caribbean at the Tenth
Summit of the Group of 15. Cairo, Egypt. Re: Global development at the beginning
of the 21 st centwy and prospects for the South.
' ; ()·;~~]~ 7. 2004 February 27.'..2~: Address by the Most Honorable P.J. Patterson, ON, PC, QC,
MP, Prime Minist~{6f Jamaica to the XII summit of the Group of Fifteen (G-15).
Car.acas, Venezuela. Re: the G-15, Global Political Situation, Global Economic
Situation and Energy and Development. UWI LIBRARIES