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    • PUBLIC OPINION _Vol.1 _No.32_September 25,1937

    • Public opinion-Jamaica-20th century; Jamaica Government and politics-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social life and customs; Jamaica-Economic conditions; Jamaica-Social conditions; Sports-Caribbean Area; Motion pictures-Social aspects-Jamaica
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper in the 1930s which provides news and views about politics; sports; lifestyle; entertainment; culture; and more
    • Pan-Africanism — Ethical Challenges

    • Pan-Africanism; Haiti-Politics and government; Grenada-Politics and government; South Africa-Politics and government; Jamaica-Social conditions; South Africa. Truth and Reconciliation Commission-History; Truth commissions-Haiti; Truth...
    • This paper features individuals who have been champions of Pan-Africanism and black power empowerment. It looks briefly at the political crisis in Haiti, Grenada, and South Africa and crime and violence in Jamaica. It also examines the factors that...
    • Pukka big pooh-bah pay

    • Nationalism ; Jamaica - Social conditions
    • Comments on the military parade put on by the British who made quite a show with their army trucks, motorcycles, ambulances and anti-aircraft guns- but there was no music. The absence of this vital ingredient leads the author to theorize that maybe...
    • Senate meeting, UWI, Mona, 1948/49

    • Meetings (Senate) - Jamaica; College administrators - Caribbean Area, English-speaking; Principals (University) - Caribbean Area, English-speaking; Registrars - Caribbean Area, English-speaking; Springer, H.; Taylor, T. W. J.; Harper, W. F.;...
    • *The Senate meeting of 1948/49. From left to right are Registrar Mr. H. Springer, Principal Dr. T.W.J. Taylor, Professor Harper, Professor Hassall, Mr. P.M. Sherlock and (foreground) Dr. F. H. Bowen. Dr. Taylor was the first Principal of the...
    • Pepperpot  1974

    • Jamaican literature-20th century; Jamaica-Literary collections; Jamaica-Social life and customs-20th century-Fiction; Jamaica-Economic conditions; Jamaica-Social conditions;National Dance Theatre Company of Jamaica-History; Dance-Jamaica-History
    • A magazine depicting mainly the personal and lighter side of Jamaica
    • ABENG 1969, Vol. 1, No. 31 [Aug. 30]

    • Jamaica-Politics and government-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social conditions; Black power-Jamaica; Blacks-Jamaica-History; Jamaica-Race relations; Sugar industry-Jamaica; Zambia-Politics and government
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper published from February 1-September 27, 1969. It emerged at a radical political moment in post-independence Jamaica where the black power movement was on the rise.
    • ABENG 1969, Vol. 1, No. 27 [Aug. 2]

    • Jamaica-Politics and government-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social conditions; Black power-Jamaica; Blacks-Jamaica-History; Jamaica-Race relations; Sugar Industry-Jamaica; Housing-Jamaica.
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper published from February 1-September 27, 1969. It emerged at a radical political moment in post-independence Jamaica where the black power movement was on the rise.
    • ABENG 1969, Vol. 1, No. 8 [Mar. 22]

    • Jamaica-Politics and government-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social conditions; Black power-Jamaica; Blacks-Jamaica-History; Jamaica-Race relations; Social security-Jamaica; Marijuana-Jamaica
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper published from February 1-September 27, 1969. It emerged at a radical political moment in post-independence Jamaica where the black power movement was on the rise.
    • ABENG 1969, Vol. 1, No. 4 [Feb. 22]

    • Jamaica-Politics and government-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social conditions; Black power-Jamaica; Blacks-Jamaica-History; Jamaica-Race relations; Racism in higher education-Canada; West Indies, British-Politics and government.
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper published from February 1-September 27, 1969. It emerged at a radical political moment in post-independence Jamaica where the black power movement was on the rise.
    • ABENG 1969, Vol. 1, No. 9 [Mar. 28]

    • Jamaica-Politics and government-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social conditions; Black power-Jamaica; Blacks-Jamaica-History; Jamaica-Race relations; Prisons-Jamaica; Anguilla-Politics and government
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper published from February 1-September 27, 1969. It emerged at a radical political moment in post-independence Jamaica where the black power movement was on the rise.
    • ABENG 1969, Vol. 1, No. 5 [Mar. 1]

    • Jamaica-Politics and government-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social conditions; Black power-Jamaica; Blacks-Jamaica-History; Jamaica-Race relations; Marijuana-Law and legislation-Jamaica-Criminal provisions
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper published from February 1-September 27, 1969. It emerged at a radical political moment in post-independence Jamaica where the black power movement was on the rise.
    • ABENG 1969, Vol. 1, No. 7 [Mar.14]

    • Jamaica-Politics and government-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social conditions; Black power-Jamaica; Blacks-Jamaica-History; Jamaica-Race relations; Marijuana-Jamaica
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper published from February 1-September 27, 1969. It emerged at a radical political moment in post-independence Jamaica where the black power movement was on the rise.
    • ABENG 1969, Vol. 1, No. 29 [Aug. 16]

    • Jamaica-Politics and government-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social conditions; Black power-Jamaica; Blacks-Jamaica-History; Jamaica-Race relations; Jamaica-Social life and customs; Sugar industry-Jamaica; Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940.
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper published from February 1-September 27, 1969. It emerged at a radical political moment in post-independence Jamaica where the black power movement was on the rise.
    • ABENG 1969, Vol. 1, No. 24 [July 12]

    • Jamaica-Politics and government-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social conditions; Black power-Jamaica; Blacks-Jamaica-History; Jamaica-Race relations; Jamaica-Relations-United States; Organization of American States; Vietnam-Politics and government;...
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper published from February 1-September 27, 1969. It emerged at a radical political moment in post-independence Jamaica where the black power movement was on the rise.
    • ABENG 1969, Vol. 1, No. 12 [April 19]

    • Jamaica-Politics and government-Periodicals; Jamaica-Social conditions; Black power-Jamaica; Blacks-Jamaica-History; Jamaica-Race relations; Jamaica-History-Insurrection, 1865
    • A weekly Jamaican newspaper published from February 1-September 27, 1969. It emerged at a radical political moment in post-independence Jamaica where the black power movement was on the rise.


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